Thursday, December 31, 2009

2010 -It's gonna be a good one!

Well with 2010 around the corner, literally, I have made it my resolution to get back to doing the things I love, one of which is this blog. I'm not even sure any of you are still reading but if you are or were, I'm sorry for my unannounced hiatus.

Some big things happened in my second half of 2009. I started a new job that I LOVE at a start up-which is taking off. I got engaged- yippie! We completed our apartment- pics to come. And of course, met some really amazing people.

So needless to say, we are going into the New Year with open hearts and minds that 2010 will be a great year! With with that being said, a very Happy New Year to you all!


PS: Some pics from our 2008-2009 celebration!